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How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Seborrheic Keratosis

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Seborrheic keratosis is a common, harmless, pigmented, noncancerous growth on the skin. It can be the result of sunlight, genetics, or age and will not usual need to be treated. Some people may. The use of garlic is an effective home treatment for the cure of senile warts.

Aloe Vera

Posted by Jodie (Western Australia) on 06/19/2017

I have had a seborrheic keratosis just below my eye for a couple of years now. It started off looking like a small age spot but over the course of a couple of years it became very large and darker in colour and had a raised crusty appearance. I was becoming very self conscious of it as it really looked worse if I put makeup on it. After trying numerous remedies including ACV which just made it very sore and looked 100 times worse, I decided to try aloe Vera gel. As I had tried so many different remedies I really was not expecting any miracle cures whatsoever.

I started applying the store bought aloe Vera gel about 5 or 6 times per day. After about a week or 10 days I noticed that the keratosis had changed in appearance. It was looking much flatter and slightly blotchy. Being very encouraged by this I began applying the gel more often, up to 8 times per day or whenever I thought about it. I am pleased to say that after another week it is now very pale in colour, and has no raised appearance. I feel confident that with continued application of the aloe Vera that the seborrheic keratosis will go away altogether.

I understand that people have had great results with ACV and I am an avid fan of ACV for other purposes but I believe with a seborrheic keratosis on the face you can remove it much more discreetly with aloe Vera. Just apply and watch it fade away gently.

Can you tell me what brand of aloe you used?

DMSO, Potassium Iodide, Niacin

Posted by Lisa (Hawaii) on 01/16/2018

Several years ago I was diagnosed with seborrheic keratosis in several places, and the Doctor used liquid nitrogen to freeze it. It was very painful and it came back. Next I tried burning it off myself using a soldering iron. It was much less painful but eventually came back, perhaps not as fast as before. So next I used some Chaga tea and extract, I put it on once a day for several weeks which actually made it smaller (NO PAIN) but it didn't completely go away. Next I tried Methylene blue (You can buy this for fish in the pet store to treat fungal infection) I suspected the Seborrheic keratosis is fungal in triggering it because it seems to come out in dark moist areas of the skin, especially on my back because I sleep on my back and sweat at night.

The methylene blue worked well. Just one dose and it dried up and fell off. But eventually came back and I had to repeat it. Since the MB stains I was looking for another cleaner remedy. I tried Garlic cloves, a slice taped to it, and I did seem to make it smaller after a few days of treatment, but I wanted something easier.

Now I tried my best cure yet:

I mixed up DMSO (Pure) with distilled water 50/50 in a 2 oz dropper bottle with 1/8 tsp pure potassium Iodide crystals and 500 mg niacin. I put this on once a day after my shower each eve. It was clean and didn't stain anything. The spots slowly got smaller & after a month are about 1/3 the original size or the smaller ones are gone completely. I am keeping this up until all are gone. I am also going to do some candida detox protocols to get rid of the systemic fungal. It also got rid of my brown liver spots when I used it on them.


I'm assuming that the methylene blue you bought is a 2.3% solution… Did you apply the MB straight from the bottle, or did you dilute it before applying?
How long did it take for the sk to dry up and fall off?
Looking forward to your reply. TIA. :)

Petty Spurge

Posted by K Benson (Newcastle Nsw) on 09/30/2016

I have the cure! My Barnacle was on the side of my breast. My GP assured me that is was nothing to worry about and it was not cancerous. The Barnacle began to grow and the skin on it was rough. My bra was constantly rubbing and making it itch. It grew to the size of my thumb nail. I decided to treat it myself with Petty Spurge which I had used successfully in the past to remove warts. After 2 weeks it had fallen off and left only proud smooth skin. There is scar tissue which is slowly healing with the help of Arnica Cream.

If you decide to try Petty Spurge – Be warned, it is extremely powerful!!!!!


One tiny drop twice a day only on the Barnacle itself. Avoid any contact with surrounding skin! I couldn't be happier to be without my Barnacle. Cory in the house games swerve and serve.


One tiny drop twice a day only on the Barnacle itself. Avoid any contact with surrounding skin! I couldn't be happier to be without my Barnacle. Cory in the house games swerve and serve.

Where do I buy it?


It is also called Milkweed. I believe it grows wild in CA according to the map. I am in Florida and will have to go buy a plant.

Hope that helps.


We are lucky here in South Australia as Petty Spurge grows wild in many parts of our state.

Be particular and get it to soak into the senile warts and not run down your face or body skin as this is wasteful because you only get a drop from each cutting. It really gets in to kill the root of the wart.

Natural Treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis

Keratosis is an unnecessary growth of keratin, a skin protein, on the skin. There a variety of causes which lead to a few unique sorts of keratosis? The three most normal sorts of Keratosis will be keratosis pilaris, Actinic Keratosis, and Seborrheic Keratosis. There are numerous others, the greater part of which are uncommon or have an acquired premise. Usually the spots are removed because of cosmetic preferences. If you are looking to fade or remove these skin growths on your own home Natural Treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis may come in handy.

Seborrheic Keratosis Symptoms

The Symptoms of Keratosis growths can:

  • Have a waxy, pasted on look
  • Appearance dried up or like a mole
  • Be all around characterized from the close skin
  • Be somewhat raised from the close skin
  • Be light tan look, which may chestnut or dark
  • Not reason pain, however may now and again tingle a little

They happen regularly on the midriff, tummy, back, neck, arms, face, or diverse ranges that are displayed to sun. You may have one and just or up to a few these developments. People tend to grow a more noteworthy measure of these developments as they age.

Seborrheic Keratosis Causes

The Seborrheic Keratosis Causes are known a genetic component may accept a section in the change of these spots. The condition can impact any part of the body disregarding the way that it spite happens on the waist, midsection and back. Keratosis can create generous and show up concerning, in any case with everything taken into account, they don't get the opportunity to be skin tumor.

Home Remedies for Seborrheic Keratosis

The best way to search Seborrheic Keratosis Natural Treatment on the scalp is to gather information. Although they may look harmless, they are unsightly, so they must be removed from the skin. Luckily, they can be removed with the use of Home Remedies for Seborrheic Keratosis. In this article Herbs Solutions By Nature will do precisely that. In this article you will discover a condensed review of Natural Treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis that have worked for others.

Best Treatment For Seborrheic Keratosis

Nectar and Water Treatment

This is my personal favorite. The Natural Treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis is, be that as it may, genuinely troublesome because of the stickiness of nectar. Essentially you should simply apply nectar water to the influenced territories and everything around them for 3 hours. Once the +3 hours are up you basically wash the nectar off and go about the same old thing.

Tea Tree Oil

In order to improve how the Tea Tree Oil deals with the keratosis, you have to apply it for up to a few times in a day. This will help you to dispose of the skin condition. To be erring on the side of caution, you ought to guarantee that you proceed with the application for up to a week after the keratosis had been expelled from your skin.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Seborrheic Keratosis Skin

Vitamins and Supplements

A lot of skin conditions result from the absence of proper nutrition that is supplied to the skin. Vitamin D is known not the immune system and improves the complexion and equalization of all skin sorts.

Cold Compress

A cold compress is subsiding to die down the aggravations connected with seborrheic keratosis. A wash fabric is dipped in cold water or made wet under running water and connected specifically to the range until the torment and tingling clears out. This Home Treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis won't diminish the development however will mitigate a portion of the pain.

Glycolic Acid

Use of a 30% glycolic corrosive can also be utilized for Seborrheic Keratosis Treatment. For this situation the corrosive can be put into a splash bottle and sprayed onto the territory consistently until the development gets to be dry. The treatment ought to be left on the spot for a couple of hours and can be left on overnight too.

By : Herbs Solutions By Nature

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